Home Page for More than the Flu - a website devoted to transition and our current reality

transition is a wilderness
Trauma->Grief&Loss->Transition->Another Life

This website deals with trauma, transition, and our shared hope for another life after this wilderness. These pages won’t tell you how to cope with the coronavirus or when our current social disruption will end. We don’t offer medical or financial advice (thank God). Instead, what follows is a guide to the Five Steps of a Healthy Transition. If you are in leadership in a church or other nonprofit, there are pages that adapt these steps for organizations experiencing transition.

As you journey through this wilderness, be sensitive to God’s peace and stay safe.

   –  Bill Kemp


Trauma comes in many forms: pandemic, injustice, natural disaster, cultural upheaval, sudden unemployment, crippling disabilities… Need I list more? In every crisis, there will be someone saying, “It’s only a minor setback,” or “It’s just the flu.”

Hearing someone dismiss your pain doesn’t help. This website is different. What we say is:

  • What happened to you is Traumatic.
  • Trauma leads to Grief and Loss.
  • These initiate a period of Transition.
  • Healthy Transitions lead to Spiritual Growth.
  • In Time, you exit transition and enter Another Life.

This new life isn’t necessarily better. It simply is your next life. All spiritual growth is painful. But the soul journeys on. That’s what you are meant to do.

A good motto is: “Transitions are often traumatic and rarely optional.”

There are no shortcuts or easy answers
There are no shortcuts or easy answers


A time of Transition:

We began 2020 in a state of ignorance and denial. We assumed that the coronavirus would stay in China and not affect us. We didn’t know the US would soon lead the world in COVID-19 deaths, that even partial closures would lead to economic disaster, or that people of color would be disproportionately affected by both the pandemic and the economy. Nor did we know that George Floyd’s death would set off nationwide outcry for systemic change.  The thing about the traumas that initiate major transitions is that they rarely arrive as single events. Real change depends upon a double whammy. The whole of 2020 is “more than the flu.”

Yes, things will eventually get better. This traumatic time will change America, just as 911 did. Perhaps more so. In time, we will bury our dead, develop a vaccine, and get rid of chokeholds. But the new normal will differ from what we had before. What I am saying is that shared grief initiates both social change and personal transitions. We become different people. The soul journeys on.

I think the soul has certain tasks. On this journey, we should become ever more compassionate. Intentionally choose to be aware of truth and facts. And never let an immediate goal or end take precedence over healthy process and proven means. Every time and place has its own epidemics, culture wars, and natural disasters. We too will have trauma, grief, loss, transition, and hopefully, spiritual growth.

Face Current Reality

This page begins the transitional journey by confronting what has changed and what will never change.  Step this way…

Reframe Identity

Early in our journey we must choose to become a more authentic self. Ready? Then  Step this way…

Accept Grief and Loss

To go any further in our journey, we must release what we cannot hold and accept the work of grief. Step gently now…

Make Appropriate Decisions

The last step slowed you down. Now you can be more deliberate and think deeply. The journey is more important than the goal. Step this way…

Plan for the Future

We glimpse what lies ahead as we rethink our mission and values.Transition gives us new feet, designed for another life. Ready to think ahead? Step this way…
