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It’s kind of like wearing a mask. You protect me and I’ll protect you and your privacy. Thanks.
— Bill Kemp
Bill is an ordained clergy person in the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church, an author, and an unofficial instigator for change. After serving a variety of local churches for 31 years, he switched into full time writing in 2010. He divides his time between nonfiction (books for churches and individuals going through transition) and fiction. He also serves on the board of TIIMSA (Transitional Intentional Interim Ministry Specialists Association) a support and resource group for UMC clergy working in transitional situations.
His latest book, “Help My Church is Leaving Me” is a resource for United Methodist’s seeking to understand LGBTQ issues and how recent denominational actions will affect local congregations (May, 2019).
Bill’s historical fiction series “Bethany’s People” is set during the first century and provides an adventurous look at how Jesus upended the lives of his closest friends. Mary Sees All – the Race to Save Jesus from the Cross, focuses on Mary Magdalene in the weeks leading up to the first Good Friday. Martha Finds Rest – an Easter Story, shifts the focus to her older sister and the days that followed Jesus’ entombment.
He is the author of nine other books, mostly dealing with improving church life. Bill also does workshops and consulting. His favorite speaking topics, and other books, can be found at www.notperfectyet.com.
Fixing Church 7.0: A Seven Week Study
Reality Check 101: New Paths for a Changing Church
The Church Transition Workbook: Getting Your Church in Gear
Holy Places, Small Spaces: A Hopeful Future for the Small Membership Church
Ezekiel’s Bones: Rekindling Your Congregation’s Spiritual Passion
David’s Harp: Returning Harmony to Conflicted Congregations
Saul’s Armor: Reforming Your Building and Organization for Ministry
Jesus’ New Command: Rediscovering the Joy of Fellowship
Jonah’s Whale: Reconnecting the Congregation with Mission
Peter’s Boat: Renewing the Vitality of Burned-out Church Workers
The Exodus of Henry Defazio: A Pittsburgh Story
Going Home: Facing Life’s Final Moments Without Fear – cowritten with Diane Kerner Arnett
Books can also be found at www.amazon.com/author/billkemp