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A friend of mine recently shared what’s happening in Vietnam where his son lives. When coronavirus came to that country of 100 million (about a third the population of the US) the government immediately responded to the crisis and began following WHO recommendations.
There’s a lot of bad science out there, particularly regarding masks. One FB post making the rounds says that since the coronavirus is around a tenth of a micron and N95 masks work in the .25micron range, that they are ineffective.
When a burglar comes in through the window, locking the door isn’t much help. Trump’s response to the coronavirus has been to lock-down the borders against the countries he’s mad at.
That reopening doesn’t mean everyone, everywhere, and some businesses may never come back. That we still have to wear masks. That when churches reopen, they may be limited to 25 to 100 (pick your number, the smaller the better) in a gathering.
Every crisis has three phases, which can be understood in nautical terms. Let’s say your boat has hit something below the water line and is taking on water, or that some people in your community have come down with a mysterious disease, are crowding into the local hospital, and are dying.
A picture is worth a thousand words. On January 23rd, a Chinese man traveled from Wuhan to Guangzhou (500 miles away) to have lunch with 9 friends and family at a nice restaurant.
The Crab Nebula is a ring of stellar dust from a star that exploded in 1054 AD. You can look at a picture of it taken a half-century ago and it will be indistinguishable from one taken tonight.
What will people of faith learn from this pandemic? That all of humanity is of one flesh. There are no barriers between nations. We share a common vulnerability to novel viruses, as well as, a deep spiritual unity.
Homemade masks are partly effective in individual protection, but they are essential for slowing the spread of the virus in the population. The main outcome of our studies was that they stop around 95-100% of viruses that people emitting by your breath, sneezing, and coughing.
After over three decades of visiting the sick, I find myself wondering how many of those protesting the shutdown have ever seen a person on a ventilator. Very few of the twenty thousand Americans who died this week of COVID-19 died peacefully, naturally, or in the presence of their family.
Gov. Cuomo gave a daily briefing today (4-16-2020) that explained the rate of spread and how soon the economy could be reopened. This 6 min clip clearly explains a difficult concept.
That is a good interpretation of the 3rd Commandment, Deuteronomy 5:11 as well — we shouldn’t use religion or God’s name to do harm. Thank you Keira.
Now that we’ve done some social distancing, it’s time to evaluate our stress level. Some of us should be waking up to the fact that our previous “always on the go” lifestyle was unhealthy.
My friend Keira shared the haiku she wrote for our current situation. The arts have a therapeutic effect on us. Poetry in particular enables us to understand our human condition on a deeper level.
This picture shows the reason not to panic, but to work to mitigate. We need to as Americans work together to increase our healthcare capacity and compassion for the homeless and elderly during this outbreak.