Anthony McGill plays “America the Beautiful” with a shift into a minor key. As he says, “America is not beautiful from sea to sea if it isn’t beautiful for everyone.”
Videos that teach. Worship services appropriate for a socially distanced world.

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What has our experience with the coronavirus been about? It’s been about waiting. In Acts 1:4, Jesus tells the disciples to wait. We will never be effective at anything in our lives unless we learn to wait.
It’s said that no good deed goes unpunished. Have you ever suffered for doing the right thing? That’s the topic for this week’s “a Gentle Soul,” taken from the third chapter of 1st Peter.
Jesus promises to prepare a room for us in heaven. But what if we think of our quiet time here as an early check-in to that room? Bill Kemp provides a short meditation based on the lectionary reading for Sunday, May 10th.
Lover’s Lane United Methodist Church is located in Dallas, Texas.
Pastor Tom expresses the anxiety we all feel, as well as the hope that our faith gives us. He also gives the Duthil UMC people a plan for wise and safe reopening.
Jesus promises to prepare a room for us in heaven. But what if we think of our quiet time here as an early check-in to that room? Bill Kemp provides a short meditation based on the lectionary reading for Sunday, May 10th.
The old gospel song “Whispering Hope” has a relevant and encouraging word for our time: Hope with a gentle persuasionWhispers her comforting word:Wait till the darkness is over,Wait till the tempest is done,Hope for the sunshine tomorrow,After the shower is gone.
United Methodist Church located just outside of Pittsburgh, PA. They provide a traditional worship experience. Rev. John Jeffries is pastor. Casual style with a small praise team providing musical accompaniment. Playlist for all of Oakmont UMC’s: worship online
A number of short reflective music pieces provided by the Church of the Resurrection, a multi-campus United Methodist Church in Kansas City.
Worship service from the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. Holy Thursday Mass is served to an empty cathedral.
The seven last words of Jesus on the Cross, beginning with “Father Forgive them…” by Father John Guest of Christ Church Grove Farm, just north of Pittsburgh, PA. Other videos in this series at: 7 Last Words
Short meditation by Bill Kemp on what Easter means in this time of social distancing.
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