- That reopening doesn’t mean everyone, everywhere, and some businesses may never come back.
- That we still have to wear masks.
- That when churches reopen, they may be limited to 25 to 100 (pick your number, the smaller the better) in a gathering.
- That we shouldn’t sing in public (see https://morethantheflu.com/taking-a-chance-on-choir/ )
- That reopening too soon will cost lives, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci.
- Until there is more testing and contact tracing, meat processing plants, nursing homes, and prisons, will be viral hotspots infecting their surrounding community.
- Without guidance from the federal government, states and municipalities don’t know when to open. They roll the dice, risking the lives of their citizens, as well as, a resurgence of the virus that will force them to close down hard.
I find it hard to keep track of all the new learning that COVID-19 is forcing on us. Stay safe and keep informed. – Bill Kemp