Moses & Good Samaritan

In our pre-trauma life, spirituality always played second fiddle to materialism and ethics was just a class one had to take one semester of in order to get an MBA or become a doctor, lawyer, or clergyperson. How are spiritually aware people different from those who never give it a second thought? Ethics has nothing to do with book learning. Its about intentionally choosing to live the right way every day. Spirituality and ethics are major courses in the wilderness university of transition.

I want to present for your consideration, three simple rules:

1) Always be compassionate

The word compassion mean to feel along with. One cannot be compassionate without awareness of what another person is experiencing. So the next rule is:

2) Awareness beats ignorance.

During transition we learn certain spiritual truths. We become aware of the larger processes that surround our lives.  We come to trust the natural timing of life, watching for things to develop. Trusting the process is behind the third rule:

3) The ends never justify the means.

What makes the Samaritan different? (Luke 10:30-37)

In Jesus’ story, a Samaritan 1) has compassion on the stranger. 2) He stops and goes over to the injured man, wanting become aware of his needs, 3) The Samaritan does allow the end of going to the Temple justify hurrying by the person in need. Go and do likewise. 

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